How Millennium bcp Reduced Deployment Time From 8 Days to Just Minutes


The Millennium bcp and Upbound Story

Millennium bcp, Portugal’s largest private-sector bank, built its infrastructure with container orchestration and Infrastructure as Code. By building a Crossplane-forward solution, they saved developers over 15,500 hours and over 6,000 for SREs.

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How Millennium bcp Optimized Terraform with Crossplane

With the rise of Kubernetes and Crossplane, it’s time to bring Infrastructure as Code to a control planes based architecture. See how Millennium bcp has started this shift, revolutionizing their infrastructure in the process.

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Kubernetes Called and it Wants Your IaC Back: Using Control Planes to Modernize Your IaC Tech Stack

Building a control plane sounds like fun, until you realize how much IaC you have in production. See how Millennium bcp leveraged Upbound’s Official Crossplane Terraform Provider to incorporate resources managed by IaC into a Crossplane-powered platform.

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Now we can spin up an application anywhere…

…quickly and securely with the right automation and the right observability in place. This is because with Upbound we only need to focus on the application component. The rest just happens!"

Nuno Guedes

Cloud Compute Lead

Cloud Efficiency in Banking: Millennium bcp Saves Thousands of Hours a Year with Crossplane & Upbound

Millennium bcp wanted to mitigate their problems while incorporating the existing infrastructure they had. Rather than rip and replace, they wanted a technology that could work with the Terraform modules and other legacy code they already had implemented. Hence, their transition to Crossplane & Upbound.

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